Results for 'Benjamin Morris Selekman'

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  1.  5
    A moral philosophy for management.Benjamin Morris Selekman - 1959 - New York,: McGraw-Hill.
    Discussion of the need for moral guidelines in business; suggestions for communication in the workplace.
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    Evidentiary challenges to evidence‐based medicine.Benjamin Djulbegovic, Lou Morris & Gary H. Lyman - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (2):99-109.
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    Economic Structures of Antiquity.Benjamin R. Foster & Morris Silver - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):762.
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    Education and the dislike society: The impossibility of learning in filter bubbles.Benjamin Herm-Morris - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):502-511.
    As we begin to witness a new phase in the integration of digital social media platforms with educational institutions, we ought to ask how learning exchanges may be altered as a result. Looking to transformations in knowledge exchanges outside of formal education, we find that these technologies have already modified the ways in which communities engage with each other. Gerlitz and Helmond explain that the Like Economy built into all major social media platforms flattens exchanges between users to engagement metrics. (...)
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    America's Big Ben.Benjamin Franklin, John Depol & Charles V. Morris - 1963 - Priv. Print.
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    The Collected Works of Count Rumford. Vol. I: The Nature of Heat. Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, Sanborn C. Brown.Robert Morris Jr - 1969 - Isis 60 (3):410-411.
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    The Collected Works of Count Rumford. Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, Sanborn C. BrownThe Collected Works of Count Rumford. Volume II: Practical Applications of Heat.The Collected Works of Count Rumford. Volume III: Devices and Techniques.The Collected Works of Count Rumford. Volume IV: Light and Armament.The Collected Works of Count Rumford. Volume V: Public Institutions. [REVIEW]Robert Morris Jr - 1971 - Isis 62 (3):412-413.
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  8. On the politics of perception in moving image technology.Martin Morris - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (6):539-557.
    To claim that there is a politics to or expressed within media technology is of course by no means new, but it remains controversial and not always well understood. Walter Benjamin’s (1986b) essay from 1936 on the political import of media technology is often regarded as the starting point of such discussions, since it foregrounds a key theme in critical theory, namely the politics of perception. In what follows, I would like to review the importance of the politics of (...)
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    The Punisher's Brain: The Evolution of Judge and Jury. By Morris B. Hoffman. Pp. xi, 359. Cambridge/NY, Cambridge University Press, 2014, £21.99/$30.00. [REVIEW]Benjamin Murphy - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (3):546-546.
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    The outward mind: materialist aesthetics in Victorian science and literature.Benjamin Morgan - 2017 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Though underexplored in contemporary scholarship, the Victorian attempts to turn aesthetics into a science remain one of the most fascinating aspects of that era. In The Outward Mind, Benjamin Morgan approaches this period of innovation as an important origin point for current attempts to understand art or beauty using the tools of the sciences. Moving chronologically from natural theology in the early nineteenth century to laboratory psychology in the early twentieth, Morgan draws on little-known archives of Victorian intellectuals such (...)
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    The Derridean Event: History, Including the Life and Work of Derrida, as Rain.Christopher Morris - 2024 - Derrida Today 17 (1):60-81.
    Commentators agree that Derrida's criteria for an event were stringent: it had to be unique, unpredictable and unanticipatable; it must come as a surprise that defies all conceptualization, comprehension, appropriation. Can any historical occurrence pass such rigorous tests and be considered an event? The question now extends to whether Derrida's writings or life should constitute an event. This article traces Derrida's use of the word ‘event’ or ‘événement’ from ‘Signature Event Context’ and early readings of Nietzsche, Blanchot, and Benjamin (...)
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    Das Böse, der Teufel und Dämonen =.Jan Dochhorn, Susanne Rudnig-Zelt & Benjamin G. Wold (eds.) - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Im Zentrum des vorliegenden Sammelbandes steht die Frage nach dem Bösen in Religionen, die als monotheistisch verstanden werden oder für die zumindest die Herrschaft des Hauptgottes über alle anderen Götter und Mächte ein entscheidendes Anliegen ist. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem sich formierenden Judentum und Christentum sowie dem Alten Testament. Besonderes Interesse gilt den Texten aus Qumran, und darüber hinaus erfolgt ein Blick auf mittelalterliche Heiligenlegenden. Die Beiträge des Bandes zeigen, dass es in den antiken jüdischen und christlichen Texte eine (...)
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    Legal Theories and Social Science.Morris R. Cohen - 1914 - International Journal of Ethics 25 (4):469.
  14. Ronald E. Santoni, Bad Faith, Good Faith, and Authenticity in Sartre's Early Philosophy.P. Sutton Morris - 1997 - Man and World 30:115-112.
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  15. The Abolition of Punishment: Is a Non-Punitive Criminal Justice System Ethically Justified?Przemysław Zawadzki - 2024 - Diametros 21 (79):1-9.
    Punishment involves the intentional infliction of harm and suffering. Both of the most prominent families of justifications of punishment – retributivism and consequentialism – face several moral concerns that are hard to overcome. Moreover, the effectiveness of current criminal punishment methods in ensuring society’s safety is seriously undermined by empirical research. Thus, it appears to be a moral imperative for a modern and humane society to seek alternative means of administering justice. The special issue of Diametros “The Abolition of Punishment: (...)
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    Willingness to inquire: The cardinal critical thinking virtue.Benjamin Hamby - unknown
    Critical thinking skills have associated critical thinking virtues, and the internal motivation to carefully examine an issue in an effort to reach a reasoned judgment, what I call the “willingness to inquire”, is the critical thinking virtue that stands behind all skilled and virtuous thinking that contributes to critical thinking. In this paper, I argue that the willingness to inquire is therefore a more primary critical thinking virtue than charity, open-mindedness, or valuing fallacious-free reasoning.
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    Single- and Dual-Task Balance Training Are Equally Effective in Youth.Benjamin Lüder, Rainer Kiss & Urs Granacher - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Political justice in France: The Dreyfus affair and after.Benjamin F. Martin - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (5):809-826.
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  19. Reflections of the interaction of the mind and the brain.Benjamin Libet - 2006 - Progress in Neurobiology 78:322--326.
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    III. The Rivals and Substitutes for Reason.Morris R. Cohen - 1925 - Journal of Philosophy 22 (7):180 - 189.
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    Civil Power and the Deconstruction of Scholasticism in the Thought of Marc'antonio de Dominis.Benjamin Slingo - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (4):507-526.
    SummaryMarc'antonio de Dominis is well known to historians as a figure in the political and religious culture of early modern Britain and Europe. This article contends that he was also a major theorist of civil power: his critique of Catholic scholastic political thought is compelling and his account of divine right kingship sheds light on conceptual problems that troubled a range of early modern thinkers. De Dominis dismantled the scholastic theory of political power on its own terms, insisting that Almain, (...)
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  22. Technology, the Environment, and the Moral Considerability of Artifacts.Benjamin Hale - 2009 - In Jan-Kyrre Berg Olsen, Evan Selinger & Søren Riis (eds.), New waves in philosophy of technology. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Reflections on Rocky.Morris B. Holbrook - 1996 - Society and Animals 4 (2):147-168.
    This paper applies an approach that the author calls Subjective Personal Introspection to the self-reflective examination, inward-looking understanding, and impressionistic evocation of his own consumption experiences as the keeper of a kitten named Rocky Raccoon. Three-dimensional photographs in the form of stereo pairs provide corroborative evidence for the interpretations suggested. In this reflexive, anecdotal, narrative account, Rocky the Cat emerges as a focal point in the author's experiential consumption.
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  24. Civil society : Getting beyond the rhetoric. A framework for political understanding.Benjamin R. Barber - 1999 - In Josef Janning, Charles Kupchan & Dirk Rumberg (eds.), Civic engagement in the Atlantic community. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers.
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    The design argument survives darwinism.Benjamin Ives Gilman - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):29-36.
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  26. Super Capitalism and Social Responsibility.Benjamin Harrison & Roger Fuller - forthcoming - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society.
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    Zum Umgang mit dem Werk Wittgensteins in der Kunst.Benjamin Kiel - 2017 - In Anja Weiberg & Stefan Majetschak (eds.), Aesthetics Today: Contemporary Approaches to the Aesthetics of Nature and of Arts. Proceedings of the 39th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 261-280.
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    Bonhoeffer's Ethics of Discipleship: A Study in Social Psychology, Politics Thought, and Religion.Kenneth Earl Morris - 1986 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This is the first book to focus on the ethic that Dietrich Bonhoeffer constructed during the 1930s—an ethic he crafted while playing a key role in Christian resistance to Nazism and an ethic still inspiring politically active Christians. The ethic of discipleship, this study argues, represents a reworking of the Christian faith so that it becomes actively opposed to totalitarianism. This book therefore adds a significant dimension to the published record concerning the German theologian and pastor executed in 1945 for (...)
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    Disasters and Dilemmas: Strategies for real-life decision making.Christopher W. Morris - 1993 - Philosophical Books 34 (1):49-51.
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    Reason and Emotion in the Ethics of Self‐Restraint.Daniel A. Morris - 2014 - Journal of Religious Ethics 42 (3):495-515.
    In this essay I argue that Reinhold Niebuhr's ethics of self-restraint, though promising, is based on an incomplete and imprecise moral psychology. Although Niebuhr claims that reason cannot provide a sufficient grounding to motivate self-restraint, he does not disclose which human capacity might serve this purpose. I suggest that we can address this oversight by strengthening Niebuhr's tentative embrace of David Hume, and by developing a concept of the emotions in order to explain how human beings can cultivate a stable (...)
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    Imaging Uncertainty.Benjamin Eva & Stephan Hartmann - unknown
    The technique of imaging was first introduced by Lewis, in order to provide a novel account of the probability of conditional propositions. In the intervening years, imaging has been the object of significant interest in both AI and philosophy, and has come to be seen as a philosophically important approach to probabilistic updating and belief revision. In this paper, we consider the possibility of generalising imaging to deal with uncertain evidence and partial belief revision. In particular, we introduce a new (...)
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  32. Dutiable transactions: The'grace'case.Benjamin Adams - 2013 - Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory 228:15.
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  33. The Nature and Design of Q, the Second Synoptic Source.Benjamin Wiser Bacon - 1923 - Hibbert Journal 22:688.
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    Controversies and the Metaphysics of Mind.Benjamin Hart - 2012 - Review of Metaphysics 65 (3):679-681.
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    Joseph Maréchal's Metaphysics of Intellectual Dynamism.Benjamin P. Javier - 1965 - Modern Schoolman 42 (4):375-397.
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    Mental defect and prostitution.Benjamin Malzberg - 1920 - The Eugenics Review 12 (2):100.
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    A Note on Mr. Babbitt's Psychology.Benjamin Masse - 1932 - Modern Schoolman 9 (3):48-50.
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    Pragmatische Semiotik und Handlungstheorie.Charles William Morris - 1977 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Edited by Achim Eschbach.
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    Berkeley's American sojourn.Benjamin Rand & Berkeley Divinity School - 1932 - Cambridge: Harvard university press.
    No detailed description available for "Berkeley's American Sojourn".
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    Cosmogony.A. Cornelius Benjamin - 1950 - Philosophical Review 59 (3):389.
  41. Psychoanalysis and the Future: A Centenary Commemoration of the Birth of Sigmund Freud.Benjamin Nelson - 1957
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    From Asylum to Community: Mental Health Policy in Modern America. Gerald N. Grob.Benjamin Harris - 1992 - Isis 83 (4):701-702.
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    How Strong is the Environmental Argument for Reducing Immigration to the United States?Benjamin Howe - 2011 - Environmental Ethics 33 (1):111-112.
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    (1 other version)C. I. Lewis: Empiricist or Kantian?Bertram Morris - 1956 - Ethics 67 (3):203-205.
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    Democracy and culture.Bertram Morris - 1955 - Ethics 66 (2):87-91.
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  46. In defense of methodological solipsism: A reply to Noonan.Katherine J. Morris - 1984 - Philosophical Studies 45 (May):399-412.
    Noonan's arguments against methodological solipsism ("methodological solipsism," "philosophical studies" 4, 1981) assumes that mental states are individuated by (russellian) content; this assumption entails that narrowness and wideness are intrinsic to mental states. I propose an alternative "extrinsic" reading of methodological solipsism, According to which narrowness and wideness are modes of attribution of mental states, And thus reject the doctrine of individuation by russellian content. Noonan's arguments fail against this version of methodological solipsism.
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    Obligation: Sensical or nonsensical?Bertram Morris - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (4):525-534.
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    Preconceptions and prerequisites: Understanding the function of synaptic plasticity will also depend on a better systems-level understanding of the multiple types of memory.Richard G. M. Morris - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):624-625.
    Although it is not their fault, Shors & Matzel's attempt to review the LTP and learning hypothesis suffers from there being no clear published statement of the idea. Their summary of relevant evidence is not without error, however, and it oversimplifies fundamental issues relating to NMDA receptor function. Their attentional hypothesis is intriguing but requires a better systems-level understanding of how attention contributes to cognitive function.
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    The Image of the Middle Ages in Romantic and Victorian Literature.Kevin L. Morris - 1984 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1984, The Image of the Middle Ages in Romantic and Victorian Literature looks at the impact of medievalism in the 18th and 19th centuries and the importance of post-Enlightenment literary religious medievalism. The book suggests that religious medievalism was not a superficial cultural phenomenon and that the romantic spirit with which it was chronologically connected, was intimately associated with the metaphysical. The book suggests that this belief gave birth to the metaphysical yearning and cultural expression of the (...)
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    Cognitive science in popular film: the Cognitive Science Movie Index.Benjamin Motz - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (10):483-485.
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